If you don't know this pirate, you don't watch TV. Mr. FreeCreditReport.com is the modern king of the overexposed pitchman for a product that most people couldn't give two shits about. The amount of anguish that he provides the average TV viewer is no expose on my part.
Reading through Kiplinger's I stumbled upon something which I knew but figured is worth sharing. Shock of shock's FreeCreditreport is not free. According to the article, As Seen on TV: A Freebie That Isn't :
"You'll get one free copy of your Experian report, but you'll also be enrolled in the bureau's credit-monitoring system to the tune of $15 per month. If you order just the free report, you have only seven days to opt out and escape fees. Charles Harris, the site's vice-president of strategic marketing, says credit monitoring and e-mail alerts are worth the price because they help you manage your credit.
But if all you want is a free credit report, you can request a (truly) free copy once a year, under the Free Credit Reporting Act, from Experian and the other two credit bureaus. Go to AnnualCredit-Report.com or call 1-877-322-8228. Get a report every four months and track your credit history over the year. "
Forbes also reported on the same thing but it's not available online.
So don't get suckered in by Mr. FreeCreditReport, AKA French-Canadian actor and lipsyncher Eric Violette (My girlfriend brought to my attention that he is an actor that doesn't even sing the songs). BubbleGum Culture has a funnier diatribe "Watch Your Back, Free Credit Report Guy" 6 months ago that I agree with and don't feel the need to rewrite.
MSNBC also had a good article on the matter.
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