Truly, Madly, Depply, Ugly & Disturbing! Thank, Kanye.
I've been hard at work on a top 20 list of albums for a while but it's taken much longer than expected as I've decided to give a few albums a bunch of repeat listens as well as some new contenders from the late 2010 releases (Kanye West [pictured above], Tron Soundtrack) so I'll hopefully get this up sometime later this week.
Also, my attempt at catching up on missed issues of the New Yorker has led me to lose track of time and space. Once you skip one they seem to just pile up there, the animated covers begging for you to delve into the fifteen page articles on trips to China be read so you consider yourself an intelligent, informed Northeastern Intellectual. That along with sweet potatoes, vegetarian tacos and fulfilling the uber-hipster mission of completing Gary Shteyngart's excellent, satiric vision into the sadly not too far distant future Super Sad True Love Story.
Quick notes on some of the sad recent losses to the world. The white haired king of parodies Leslie Nielsen of Airplane! & Naked Gun infamy has passed on at the age of 84. In the not as severe but still sad category (in comparison to a sad death), the once over-hyped and now overlooked Wolf Parade is going on "an indefinite hiatus."
And here's some more worth reading:
Fiji Water loses its water source, 4000 villagers out of jobs. (Atlantic Wire)
Also from Atlantic Wire, the Twitterverse was all atwitter with arrival of one the single most intriguing sports personalities to "reab" his image, as well as another arrival of a the ultimate Buxom Baywatch Blonde coming to Israel and telling Jews to stop wearing fur hats.
Despite the impending big release of Tron: Legacy, did you know that you can't get Tron on DVD? Is it a conspiracy? Spout has some thoughts.
Faster, the heavily-advertised return of The Rock to brawny action, flopped this weekend, failing to finish in the top five in the Harry Potter weekend. The studio probably saw it as counter programming but forgot that when families all have off they rarely take their eight-year-olds to see revenge movies where the trailer reveals approximately five of the not too long list of people he is going to punish. Besides the fact that the trailer seemed to have sold the few viewers who did go a bad bill of goods. PopMatters has an interesting article about it,"Selling the Wrong Movie" Faster vs. Faster."
If this bombed, I can only imagine whatever studio head approved Nic Cage's impending masterpiece Drive Angry are thinking. They should probably be looking for a new job.
During the speedy deterioration of interest developing in my mind during the most recent, lackluster episode of The Walking Dead, all I could think of of was turning on the Netflix and starting Damages: Season 2. I don't know why I skipped this series (actually I do, not a big Glenn Close fan) but after watching a lot of Bored to Death lately I remembered the rave reviews Ted Danson got for his work on Damages.
Season one was completely enthralling. Much like the overlooked, amazing first season of Murder One. They used the continual flashbacks to amazing, enthralling effect. I couldn't get enough and watched all thirteen episodes in the span of an evening (a long evening as you might imagine).
Then, I started season two and up pops Mr. Timothy Olyphant, who I've never liked much in movies but love anything he is involved with on TV like Deadwood even his appearances on The Office. But Justified might be just the perfect role for him.

Hey Tim, Can you send me $10 bucks for Hitman?
If you missed the first season, I suggest you go right now and get yourself an early holiday gift so you can blow through it and catch up in time for the second season to start on FX in January. My holiday gift to you. You can thank me later.

Ahh... that's more like it.
If you don't know what to get the family techie, check out the Wired Top 100 Gifts for Geeks. Some of the items are pipe dreams an BS but other are quite excellent. Got a few ideas myself from there. Now back to Cyber Monday shopping..
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