(via Impulsive Buy)
This could be the most disgusting nut related product that could ever be invented.
This is not a joke. I'm dry heaving as we speak. I am embarrased and assusme the end of the world will be arriving a year earlier now because of this.
Who thought this was a good idea? Is Hamakua Plantations run by Monty Python fans? See the Impulsive Buy link above for an actual review of the item, but here is the gist of it:
"While there’s definitely a SPAM flavor, it’s not overpowering and the combination of the mystery meat and macadamia nuts was surprisingly tasty. While I prefer to have my macadamia nuts dipped in sweet chocolate, the SPAM coating is a good savory option, even though the idea of SPAM in pink powdered form is kind of unsettling, like Marge Simpson posing in Playboy."
That's exactly what I am looking for on my Macadamia nuts, a good savory coating option. I'll stick with salt.

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