Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Things Worth Reading - Another Classic Film Bites the Dust. College has Cheaters? The History of Board Games and more... 11/16/2010

You knew it would happen one day but Robert Zemeckis (best known as the director of Back to the Future & Forest Gump and most recently for all those motion capture holiday films that I have no desire to see like A Christmas Carol, The Polar Express, and that shit-storm known as Beowulf) has decided that it is time to remake The Wizard of Oz. This time it won't be starring Michael Jackson. (Deadline)

It's college application crunch time right now so it's a perfect time for a pseudonym-filled expose about how people cheat their way through college. Mental_floss has a sad but hilarious article about the prevalence of ghostwritten essays for students in all levels of academia,focusing most of the article on snippets of e-mails from a student that he was writing a 75-page paper on business ethics for.

Ever wonder how a Pulitzer Prize Winner quits a job? Do that do it with verbal style and panache? Lifehacker has the answer, dissecting the letter section by section with witty commentary.

Learn how San Francisco banned the happiest of meals. (Gizmodo)

Reports say Lindsey Lohan wants to open a rehab facility, probably so she can stop paying others for something that doesn't seem to be working for her. The report states that the 24-year -old has been in rehab five times which translating Hollywood speak probably means 7 times.

Keith Law, ESPN's baseball guru, as written an engaging, in-depth article on the history of board games. It shouldn't shock you a stat nerd has spent much of his life delving into board games with his friends in lonely dark rooms but at least it has finally paid off.

It seems that the love for pomegranates came out of nowhere about five years ago. Now the same people who brought the "magic fruit" to light with the POM drinks has also created the Wonderful branding label for pistachios. Meet the Resnicks in this highly informative profile by Susan Berfield in Businessweek of how all the pomegranate love has come about stateside.

It seems announcement worthy to those who don't know how to use their computer music players in a basic fashion, but now you can buy Beatles songs on iTunes for the first time. Boy, they just can't stop making money, Apple and the Beatles. Who is going to buy these albums again??

This one is a bit delayed but still worth it. Watch Pee Wee Herman give Regis his tour around Broadway. (Vulture)

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