Thursday, September 23, 2010

I Read Something... Film Edition - Week of Sept 23, 2010 Edition

Ever wonder what is underneath the ultimate android law enforcer?  Gizmodo has an an Anatomical Explanation of Robocop?

It's a big week for some of long unappreciated actors.  Steve Buscemi finally has a mainstream starring role, in the new HBO series Boardwalk Empire and after one episode, it's already been renewed.  What took so long?

The other one is Guy Pearce, who many thought would be the one catapulted from his starring role in L.A. Confidential, as straight as an arrow Edmund Exley.  It turned out to be a coming out party for a different unknown Aussie actor named Russell Crowe.  Pearce was on the brink of being a star after the sometimes forgotten mindfuck of brilliance from Chirstopher Nolan entitled Memento.  Pearce is currently in theaters with the well reviewed Australian production Animal Kingdom and was just announced as joining the cast of an excellent sounding film Mis-Fits.

And for Stieg Larsson enthusiasts waiting for an English translation of the film, production has begun with Daniel Craig as the lead.

In the Christian Bale craziness department, Cinematical has a Top 5 list of Bale's freakiest looks in a film.  You probably haven't seen many of these movies but he is quite a chameleon.  I have to say The Machinist will always be number one in my heart.  This list was spurred on by the recent release of a boring looking film co-starring Marky Mark called The Fighter, in what looks to be possibly the most derivative film in a long time. Something about a boxer looking for just one more chance at a big fight and big payday.  No one watches real boxing, why does Hollywood think would they want to watch movies about boxing?

Many early films were boxing films.  Boxing had built in action, was confined to a small, easy to film, staged sessions.  According to Imdb, there were thirty films of boxing released before 1900, starting with 1891's originally titled Men Boxing, made by the Edison Company.  So making a boxing film is reaching back into the origins of film history but also make it a subject that is possibly the most overused dramatic pot line in film in history.

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