I haven't been doing much writing because I'm doing a lot of reading, probably at a detriment to my unskillful compositions. There was also a laptop-less bachelor party weekend in New Orleans thrown in for good measure.
I was trying to compile a list of magazines that I read offline outside the 20+ daily blog scans.
There is the weekly/bi-weekly:
1 New Yorker
2 New York Magazine
3 Newsweek (like the look of the redesign but hate the content since the change)
4 Entertainment Weekly
5 Business Week (discontinued but then I found a free subscription online)
6 Time Out
7 Forbes (Phasing it out)
The Monthlys:
1 The Believer
2 Wired
3 Fast Company
4 Writer's Digest
5 Website Magazine
6 Poets & Writers
7 Portfolio (discontinued)
8 PC World
9 GQ
10 Esquire
11 Strategy & Business
Don't forget McSweeney's Quarterly, a couple of membership magazines (like Tennis, Sierra Club & Bnai Brith) and a couple more IT & internet publications that I read sometimes. Not to mention about 2 books a week so i guess I always have read something the other day. You'd think I'd do nothing else but I do (or at least I try). I just love the feel of a great magazine and the suprise of turning the page ( I never look at the page of contents).
So here's some funny, amusing, or interesting quotes from what I've read lately.
From Albert Camus' "The Plague" (not a book full of humor):
"...(the) Plague had killed all colors, vetoed pleasure."
I have a bunch more but while reading them over these quotes are not really as quotable as I thought. "The Plague" wasn't the best summer read and for a 300 page book it was very trying and not very rewarding, "an existentialist classic" that I was I could have stopped reading but for some reason I always persevere."
Here's an excerpt from a GQ Interview with the latest Fox News acolyte Glenn Beck in regards to his upcoming comedy tour (who the fuck thought that was a good idea?):
" So conservatives lack an irony gene?
Is there an irony shortage? Sure. But is there a sarcasm shortage? Sure. A pun shortage? That too.
I don’t know. It may be because there is a system set against conservatives doing comedy. But I’m not totally comfortable with that explanation, because I have never attended conservative parties where the doors close and somebody breaks out the funny. It may just be that conservatives, for one reason or another, haven’t developed a good funny. It could be just because…[long pause] I was going to say it could be because they are beaten all the time. But Jews are funny, you know?"
I'll also be reading David Foster Wallace's epic tome "Infinite Jest" (which I believe i previously mentioned) as part of the online Infinite Summer Campaign, the ultimate on online nerd reading meant to motivate people to read & enjoy lengthy Wallace's work in one beautiful, memorable & committed summer. Join up!
Fot instant links & updates, check out my more oft updated tumblr, Empirical Dynamite.
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